Please take this opportunity to provide us with your feedback and suggestions by completing the necessary review form below.
Thank you for your time, support and dedication to your programme.
At MA Consultancy Ltd, we like to support our clients after their programmes with us.
Initial Review
Thank you for choosing MA Consultancy Ltd to help you with your organisation's anti-racist journey. At MA Consultancy Ltd we pride ourselves on supporting our clients beyond their sessions. We would like to take this opportunity to follow up with you to see how you are progressing since your last session with us.
This quick questionnaire will take approx. 5-10 minutes to complete. Please be as transparent as possible with your answers as this will help us to improve our services in the future, as well as allow us to see if there is any further assistance that we can offer you to help you attain your overall objectives.
6 Month Review
We are 6 months post-programme and would like to find out more about your journey thus far. It is important to us to support you along the way, even after delivering your bespoke sessions.
Please take the time to complete the progress review form below at your earliest convenience.
This quick questionnaire will take approx. 5-10 minutes to complete. Please be as transparent as possible with your answers as this will help us to improve our services in the future, as well as allow us to see if there is any further assistance that we can offer you to help you attain your overall objectives.
12 Month Review
It has been a whole year since you started your anti-racism journey with us, and what a year it has been!
MA Consultancy Ltd would like to do one last check-in with you to see what progress your organisation has made since our 6-month progress review. This is the perfect opportunity to let us know what you have applied, what you might still require training/support/research with along with your feedback regarding your overall experience with MA Consultancy Ltd.
This questionnaire will take approx. 10-15 mins to complete.
It has been a pleasure facilitating your organisation and we hope to collaborate with you again in the future