Our Services

Anti-racism is a process not a destination!

At MA Consultancy Ltd we work closely with our clients, meeting them where they are, and delivering a bespoke service every time.

We provide specialist expertise in anti-racist organizational development, community-centred change making and transformational coaching. Our services are designed to effectively implement frameworks of equity and inclusion, supporting our clients through gradual implementation, flexibility, reflection and practical guidance.

What can you expect from our bespoke services?

Developing a shared language and an understanding of Anti-Racist practice, accessible to all stakeholders in your organization.

  • To support staff and leadership to confidently develop their anti-racist practice with critical support.

  • To facilitate a space for staff and leadership to reflect on changing/challenging local practices and develop strategies for effectively implementing anti-racist change.

  • To provide guidance and support that is flexible and context-specific.

  • To build capacity and confidence to lead.

We offer online, face-to-face and/or blended (face-to-face & remote/ or video content) delivery formats.

*Our services are bespoke, so for a quote, please book a consultation.

Upcoming Services

'Designing out Racism' program Offer




  • This is the entry point. You will be introduced to key concepts and have the opportunity to unpack how historical and contemporary framings of racism shape our practice.

    Critique of language is embedded throughout the programme and space will be created to unpack the language we take for granted in our everyday practice.

  • In this phase you will have space to consider how your intersectional positionality shapes your experiences and your anti-racist pathway. The dynamics of power in the spaces we hold/are held in, and the role of Whiteness & structural advantage will be explored.

    Case studies will be shared to explore the impact of microaggressions and racial harassment, and you will be asked to consider how racism functions at an interpersonal, structural and systemic level.

  • This phase brings your attention to the relationship between theory and practice. Power is explored both in theoretically and in the context of where you are, and you are asked to consider how you power shapes your in/activities. The framework of anti-racist Trauma Informed Practice will also be introduced to you as a practice framework for shifting power in our helping relationships.

  • This phase is designed to support confidence building in the implementation of anti-racist practice. The elements of changed used within this phased are designed specifically for a local focus and so may take the form of action learning sets, reflective circles, mentoring or racial equity coaching.

    These critical reflective spaces will support you to confidently apply and embed new understandings into your daily anti-racist actions.

  • These sessions are bespoke and tailored to the clients local evaluation requirements.

    It is facilitated in two parts; one focuses on what counts as evidence and accountability, the other focuses on the development of tools of evidence.

    These phase asks you to question your role and responsibilities in driving anti-racist change in your organization and how that change is evidenced. This work asks you to consider what counts as evidence and consider creative, more inclusive ways of capturing evidence of change.

  • This phase of our programme can be delivered as a separate training session - specifically for Leadership Staff or those directly responsible for leading anti-racism work in the organization.

    These sessions are designed to support organisations in building capacity by training internal leaders to develop the skills to facilitate and guide spaces for anti-racist learning and change making.